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Swedge and Spring Button Table Legs

Testrite can has tooling to perform swaging on 3/4" diameter tubing 1" diameter tubing, 1-1/4" diameter tubing, and 1-1/2" diameter tubing. Additional tube sizes can be swedged, though a tooling charge and tooling wait time may apply.

Table legs that incorporate swage and spring button make for cost efficient transportation, the easy installation and removal of table legs, and lots of flexibility in a cost efficient design.

Legs can be mounted separately, we can provide an attachment bracket, or 3 legs or 4 legs can be mounted to a central mounting plate.

Testrite has experience with more bespoke table leg assemblies including plastic or die cast L corners. If you have a project that requires spring button telescopic legs, reach out to Testrite today!


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Table Parts & Components