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Data Center Containment
Round Telescoping Tubing Locks
Square Telescoping Tubing Locks
Round Tubing And Oval Tubing
Tube Ends, Joiners, & Attachments
1" Square Tubing System - Build-A-Stand
Tables, Table Legs, & Table Parts
Stands & Stand Parts
Bases, Mounts & Clamps
Complete Telescopic Tubing Assemblies
Sheet Metal
Laser Cutting

Solid Aluminum Bushing

We manufacture our own turned aluminum bushings in house. Each is made from a single piece of aluminum. They are press fit in. In most sizes of tubing (all but our smallest diameters), we drill holes in the tube and bushing after installation and secure the bushing in place with steel pins. Solid bushings offer the strongest possible connection outside of welding.


Model # Description Material

Screw Together Tubing